Add color to your happy life with colorful diamonds like red, blue, green, pink, and yellow. Buy the lab grown yellow diamonds to complete your look.
There is an urge to have a naturally colored diamond, but, due to its infrequent nature, this kind is not usually seen in jewelry stores. But the feeling and bonding with the favorite color is more than anything.
The history of color variation in diamonds:
The uniqueness of a wide range of colors was studied in the 20th century using natural diamonds.
This study led to the great invention of lab-grown diamonds by providing all the conditions of the environment for producing all the copies synthetically.
And the reasons behind the colors of lab-grown and natural diamonds are the same.
- The only difference is that the natural diamonds were formed in the buried deep earth for billions of years in such conditions to build the colors. However, the lab-grown diamonds are synthesized by man for almost two weeks, providing extreme temperatures and pressure. All the conditions are the same as in natural, but artificial.
The two types of diamonds are:
According to the physical classification of diamonds. And do you know these two initial classifications of diamonds?
- 1 type— with the nitrogen
- 2 type— without the nitrogen
Do you have any idea which type is more common?
Type 1 is described in more detail as follows:
- 1a is a collection of nitrogen in the structure of a diamond
- its subtype 1aA has A defects (containing a pair of nitrogen atoms)
- subtype 1aB diamonds have B1 defects (containing four nitrogen atoms and vacancy)
- subtype 1aAB diamond is of mixed type and has A and B1 defects
- 1 b diamond, in which the single nitrogen atom present in the structure causes a yellow color
Do you want to get a flawless, lab grown yellow diamond You can have it from here.
Type 2 is divided into two subtypes:
- 2a, which consists of pure diamond, e.g.colorless or brown diamond
- 2b diamond comprises single boron atoms in the structure with a blue color
Know the three main types of lab-grown diamonds:
Do you know 95 percent of lab-grown diamonds consist of these three types according to their physical appearance and characteristics? These are the following types of diamonds:
- 2a is colorless
- 2b is blue
- 1b yellow
The main difference between the lab gown and the natural diamond is:
The main idea of all three types is that in different cases, 95 percent of natural diamonds are of type 1a. The identification of natural and lab-grown is the main difference.
Diversity of colors in lab-grown diamonds:
Yellow color:
Do you love the science and facts of things and are always interested in knowing the reason behind the yellow color? The facts behind this are the presence of single nitrogen atoms in the structure of diamonds and of type 1 b.
Yellow is the most fascinating category of diamonds. And you get the chance to have lab-grown yellow diamonds in your collection within your budget.
Green color:
You are a mountain lover because of the greenery and the love you have for nature. And the green color of the diamond always amazes you. The fact behind the green color is the presence of an extra vacancy to accommodate the structure of the diamond.
This is achieved by the irradiation method of 1b or 2b diamonds with a beam of fast electrons. You can get the flawless diamond at the best price with the above link.
Blue color:
Do you know why diamonds show a blue color? The blue color comes when boron atoms enter the structure.
The type of blue-colored diamond is type 2b. With great technology, a boron atom is added to the gas mixture in the growth chamber of the diamond.
Pink and red colors:
The red color of the diamond is because of the availability of nitrogen in NV centers. This stunning color is achieved by HPHT technology.
If you are interested in getting flawless diamonds of all colors, you can get them from the above link.
The colorless diamond can be made when there are no impurities or when nickel has nitrogen centers.
And the best HPHT technology makes it super pure and well-processed. What are the facts for getting rid of impurities in diamonds? The getters, or gas absorbers, in the processing chamber, make the metal catalyst.
CVD technology is not good because it does not control the color and makes it a little brown.
Brown color:
What are the facts behind the brown-colored diamond? The brown color is formed when the deformation or when the nickel and nitrogen center. HPHT technology is not demanding in producing the brown color.