If you are an Australian who is currently in the market for a new fridge because the old one has bit the dust then you have come to the right article. It’s likely that you had your old fridge for over 10 years and things have moved on quite a lot since then in terms of energy efficiency and being environmentally friendly. The good news, however, is there are many different fridges to choose from in many different colours and in many different sizes and rather than making your choice easier, this has made it more difficult but this is a nice situation to find yourself in.
You should know that your fridge does contribute significantly to your electricity bill and especially so if it has a freezer as well. One of the first things that you need to do is to look for the number of stars that the fridge gets in terms of its energy efficiency and how kind it is to the environment. You will see these featured prominently on the front of the appliance, so do your homework and your due diligence. This is just one thing that you need to know when purchasing your new fridge here in Australia and the following are some others.
- Get the right size for your needs – It can be very tempting to want to get into the store to spend your hard-earned money on a massive fridge that comes with its very own icemaker and drink dispensers. You need to be practical here however because maybe this is a fridge that will never be full and this actually impacts is ability to stay cold and so if it is empty most of the time, then it will use more power. Choose a fridge that is fit for your needs and is more energy efficient.
- Choose the right model – Many people are not aware of this but if you purchase a fridge with freezer is on top then these tend to use less energy of the course of any year. If you opt for a fridge with freezer is on the bottom then this will certainly use more electricity. Also pay attention to the number of doors that it has because if you are opening them and closing them all day long then your fridge is going to use more power.
- Get rid of your old fridge – You may be tempted to hold onto your old fridge and maybe put it out in the garage to hold beer but older models use around 35% more energy than modern fridges and so it will end up costing you more money to keep it than to throw it away. Be sure to properly recycle the old refrigerator.
If you follow these three pieces of advice then you really cannot go wrong when it comes to choosing the new fridge for your home. Spend a little bit more money today which will save you money later on.